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Examples Projects

Examples of systemic AI safety projects

Review these example projects to better understand how to collaborate with the UK government to advance systemic approaches to AI Safety.

Grant examples overview

Systemic AI safety draws upon sociotechnical AI research, which is a broader endeavour that  considers the impact of AI on people and society (Weidinger et al. 2023). Systemic AI safety  is also related to safety science within engineering, which studies how to make systems and  infrastructure safer (Dobbe, 2022). We hope to bring together researchers from these and  other communities to tackle systemic risks from AI. 

For this grants programme, we are focused on systems-focused approaches to AI safety. We  distinguish systemic AI safety from interventions that focus on AI models themselves. To make  this distinction clear, consider the problem of AI-generated misinformation: 

  • A model-focused approach might attempt to find fine-tuning regimes that improve  the factuality of AI model outputs (this is out of scope for this call). 
  • A systems-focused approach might consider how to build user trust in legitimate  digital content, even where AI outputs are often unreliable (this is in scope for this  call). 

We are excited about impactful, evidence-based work that addresses both ongoing and  anticipated risks to societal infrastructure and systems.  

We recognise that future risks from AI remain largely unknown. We are open to a range of  plausible assumptions about how AI technologies will develop and be deployed in the next  2-5 years (we are less interested in highly advanced capabilities that may take much longer  to develop). For example, over the near term.

  • The uptake of AI models across different sectors of the economy is likely to grow
  • AI models will become capable at taking actions on behalf of the user
  • The capacity of AI models to generate audio and video content will improve
  • AI models may become more personalised to the tastes and beliefs of the user
  • More situations will arise where AI models interact with each other 

Below, we provide examples of potential systemic AI safety problems to help you better  understand what we are looking for. We include examples of both cross-cutting and sector specific problems.

We hope that the ideas below will serve as helpful starting points, but they are not intended  to provide an exhaustive list of topics in systemic AI safety. We are sure there are many other  important problems to address - if you have one in mind, then please do apply. 

Helpful links:

Examples of cross-cutting interventions

  1. Developing tools to monitor systemic AI risks:
    A comprehensive approach to systemic AI safety needs to monitor and track the ways that AI is being deployed in society. Questions might include:  
    1. Which societal systems are most likely affected by advanced AI, in what way  might they be affected, and how should interventions be prioritised (Avin et  al., 2018)?  
    2. How can we ensure that information is shared between those who identify  risks and those who are in a position to address them (e.g., via incident  reporting or engagement with civil society) to create effective and responsive  governance, whether centrally or decentralised?  
    3. What can be learned from simulations, scenario analysis, and stress testing,  drawing from fields such as climate science, epidemiology, and financial risk  management?  
    4. What are the implications of market structure on systemic risks of Advanced  AI?  
  2. Designing markets for AI risks:
    Ideal markets would accurately align incentives to  societal values and spur the responsible deployment of AI models. Questions might  include:  
    1. How can market mechanisms be developed to quantify systemic risks and  safety?  
    2. How can we improve the way the insurance industry prices risks for both  ongoing harms that impact specific communities and catastrophes that are  infrequent but massive in magnitude?  
  3. Building infrastructure for AI agents:
    Increased delegation to ‘AI agents’ — models  capable of performing complex tasks on digital platforms with limited supervision — may exacerbate or introduce new societal risks. These risks could manifest in  interactions between the human and an AI agent, between an AI agent and the  world, between two AI agents (“cooperative AI”), or as emergent properties from an  ecosystem of AI agents. Questions might include:
    1. Which new threats can we expect to see with agentic AI models that cannot  be addressed with pre-deployment measures?  
    2. How can infrastructure like agent identifiers, real-time monitoring, and  activity logging be implemented (Chan et al. 2024)?  
    3. As AI models become more advanced, how do capabilities like situational  awareness and self-modification affect the ways that agents interact with one  another?  
    4. How can we implement and empirically test theoretical work on AI collusion  for different societal sectors (e.g. Foxabott et al. 2024)? 
  4. Building governance tools for systemic safety, including solutions that are both  technical and institutional in nature.
    Questions might include: 
    1. What is the technical architecture needed for the various bodies,  domestically and internationally to monitor and respond to systemic risk  across sectors? 
    2. Which technical tools, in hardware or software, could be designed and  deployed to better help risk-owners monitor or respond to risk? for example,  could privacy-preserving technology enable real-time monitoring and  response without compromising privacy or adoption (Aarne et al., 2024)?
    3. How could circuit-breaking algorithms or similar technical governance tools  look like & be implemented? 
  5. Mapping systemic over- and under-reliance on AI:
    AI models are increasingly  being integrated into critical infrastructure such as communications and finance.  Systemic overreliance occurs when many users or infrastructure companies  excessively rely on AI and start acting upon incorrect outputs, or are unprepared for  scenarios where AI systems suddenly become unavailable. Systemic under reliance  on AI solutions could also occur. Questions might include:  
    1. What are the degrees and modalities of acceptable reliance with respect to  the substitutability of the AI models and the criticality of the tasks performed?  
    2. How can we develop robust systems-informed safety and security standards  for AI use in these contexts?  
    3. What do context-specific failsafe mechanisms and contingency plans for AI  failures look like?  
    4. How do existing power dynamics shape human-AI interaction and reliance? 

Examples of sector-specific interventions

  1. Democracy and Media:
    Research has indicated that AI could be used to  manipulate public opinion, interfere with democratic processes, or undermine trust  in institutions, though evidence about current impact is limited . On the other hand,  AI could also help make democratic participation more accessible and augment  deliberative processes. Research directions may include measuring and identifying  methods to enhance trust in democratic processes with increasing AI-generated  information and creating ways for AI models to be used thoughtfully to improve  democratic inputs. 
  2. Education:
    We are seeing the early phases of adoption of generative AI in  education to personalise learning, broaden student capabilities, and automate  teacher tasks, but also note emerging concerns about potential costs to educational  outcomes and disruption to assessment methods. Potential research directions  could include building a system for gathering evidence around frontier AI in  education or examining how teaching methods should adapt with the adoption of  increasingly capable AI models.  
  3. Economy and the labour market:
    Often, technological change is not exogenous  but rather responds to shifting skill supplies and profit opportunities. Technological  adoption — and the way it impacts the labour market — also depends on  organisational structure in firms. Could AI be leveraged to aid worker retraining and  upskilling? What are possible interventions that could encourage task  complementarity over substitution, thus making workers across the income range  more (and not less) valuable (e.g., Acemoglu and Autor, 2011, Eloundou et al.,  2023)?  
  4. Health, biosafety, and biosecurity:
    Frontier AI is enabling significant advances in  biological R&D, and generative AI is also being trialled in healthcare settings.  Potential projects in this space could include: identifying key decision makers and  risk owners in healthcare AI adoption, and assessing how this system of  responsibilities might respond to more capable and autonomous AI systems; investigation of how advancements in biological R&D shift the balance across  defensive (e.g., diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutic design) and offensive  capabilities, and identify promising interventions that could accelerate safety enhancing technologies; or developing specific defensive technologies, such as AI  tools for nucleic acid synthesis screening or early pathogen identification. 
  5. Finance and insurance:
    Greater adoption of AI-powered tools and agents in  financial services could exacerbate harms such as collusion, unfair pricing, and  insider trading, potentially even without human intent. AI tools could also amplify  the scale and efficacy of market manipulation, and a lack of understanding and  robustness could lead to large-scale coordinated failures. Projects could look at  developing better methods to assure AI tools in finance, simulate potential failures,  and monitor markets in real-time. More ambitiously, risk-oriented financial services,  primarily insurance, could potentially incentivise distributed resilience to AI-related  risks if they were better characterised and priced.
  6. Legal:
    AI tools could increase access to legal information and increase productivity  in the legal profession. However, given the known failure modes of these systems,  there can be real challenges if legal users do not sufficiently understand AI tools or if  there is unequal adoption. AI risks also pose challenges to legal decision-making, as  synthetic media could undermine trust in evidence, and AI-assisted decision-making  could challenge notions of accountability and liability. Interventions could focus on  the education of legal practitioners and judges, better tooling for assessing the  reliability of evidence that may be AI-generated, and methods for co-design of legal  AI tools that increase understanding, access, and fairness.
  7. Emergency services:
    AI tools are already seeing adoption in emergency response,  from real-time monitoring for wildfires to AI assistants for police call handlers. The  potential benefit, in terms of faster and more effective response, is significant, but  so are risks of misallocation of emergency resources, the reinforcement of societal  biases, coordinated failures at times of crises, and AI-assisted attacks on emergency  services as an amplifier to other malicious harms. Interventions in this space could  focus on data provenance and governance, and on training and institutional/incentive design to identify and prevent failures before they occur.
  8. Transportation:
    While there has been a gradual adoption of autonomous vehicles  over the past few years, AI has already been incorporated into intelligent transport  systems including traffic prediction and road maintenance, and employed  extensively for public, air, and water transport planning. How can we assess the  contribution of AI adoption to the risk of concurrent failure across transport systems?  Are there systemic biases in AI transport systems with downstream social effects on  urban planning, access to services, etc.? How can these be mitigated?
  9. Food, water, and energy.
    AI models are already seeing early adoption in these  domains, from AI-assisted climate prediction that informs AI-assisted planning, AI assisted real-time management of flows, AI-based decision support tools for farmers, and autonomous vehicles and drones used in agriculture and infrastructure  maintenance. Concerns have been raised about the technology incentivising further  centralisation of production and control, with increased systemic risks in case of  failures or adversarial disruption. How could such risks be monitored and alleviated?
  10. Communications, information technology, and operational technology.
    AI models could be used to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in digital and physical infrastructure, leading to large-scale cyberattacks or making cyberattacks more accessible to a wider range of actors. Research could focus on developing AI powered tools, such as automated threat detection and response systems, that exploit the defender’s information asymmetries and ensure that advancements in cyber-capable AI actually improve (and not degrade) systemic safety.

Problem statement examples

  • Main Question: How can the degree of reliance on AI models be classified and  monitored? Which tools might support adequate reliance on legal and medical  information generated by AI models? 
  • Agentic AI models are becoming more and more integrated in society (>90% of  Fortune 500 use GPT-4 according to OpenAI, new agentic AI models like GPT-4o, AI  Software Engineers etc. are being built on-top) 
  • Previous research suggests that excessive reliance on AI models might lead to  severe incidents and cascade risks (see AI incident database and autonomous  vehicle incidents).
  • However, AI models provide a wide range of automation benefits, like cost  reductions, increased access, higher quality service etc. (Bomassani et al. 2021:  Benefits and risks of foundation models).
  • Especially in the legal and medical context, AI chatbots providing advice are on the  rise. In the next 2-5 years, these chatbots will likely be integrated more broadly, and  more deeply. Deeper integration includes increasingly critical legal and medical  decisions being made based on AI suggestions. Their advice might lead to actions  with severe individual consequences.
  • However, on a systemic level, possible large-scale harms and cascading risks are  unclear.
  • Public bodies and industry associations are lacking:some text
    • information on the degree of use of AI models for medical and legal  information.
    • standardised metrics to understand the degree of appropriate reliance  and quality management processes to ensure appropriate reliance, 
    • scenarios about the consequences of the use of AI models on the  fundamental functioning of legal and medical sectors 
  • Clarity on each of a)-c) is important to ensure adequate governance and reliance.
  • ● Existing research is not fully addressing these problems.  some text
    • Previous work focused on capability benchmarks of AI models (e.g.  MedQA, LegalBench), while measures of propensity in sociotechnical  contexts and usage data are lacking.
    • Usage monitoring is not standardised. There are existing datasets  including legal and medical advice interactions (e.g. IntheWildChat), however  these are limited.
    • There have been structural monitoring indicators proposed for other  sectors (e.g. structural monitoring indicators for the information space as part  of the Digital Service Act in the EU). However, for the legal and medical  setting, these are lacking.
    • Scenario modelling exercises for advanced AI has remained qualitative,  without specific quantitative modelling like in climate science (see Undheim  & Armad 2024).
  • Each of these subproblems apply to the legal and medical context, but also  generalise to other sectors: The lack of usage monitoring standards, structural  indicators and quantitative scenarios is profound in most critical infrastructure related to AI.