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AISI Governance | Driving international coordination to understand and mitigate risks from advanced AI.

AISI has contributed to the world’s first AI Safety Summit hosted by the UK at Bletchley Park, coordinated the International Scientific Report on the Safety of Advanced AI chaired by Yoshua Bengio, and partnered with other AI Safety Institutes.

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Announcing the UK and US AISI partnership


April 2, 2024

The UK and US AI Safety Institutes signed a landmark agreement to jointly test advanced AI models, share research insights, share model access and enable expert talent transfers.

Announcing the UK and France AI Research Institutes’ collaboration


February 29, 2024

The UK AI Safety Institute and France’s Inria (The National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology) are partnering to advance AI safety research.

First AI Safety Summit


November 2, 2023

At the first AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park, world leaders and top companies agreed on the significance of advanced AI risks and the importance of testing.